Projects by Zsolt Kormendy
A Beautiful Life
Two detectives investigate a mysterious kidnapping. One of them is relentlessly being pursued by a malevolent dark figure that will stop at nothing to undermine the case and his life: to live the beautiful life he wishes to have or to be overcome by the darkness within.
"A Beautiful Life" is a 15 minute award winning* short film produced in Vác, Hungary in January 2023. It features:
Norbert Nyutali as Tomi
Erika Herbert as the Woman
Zsolt Kormendy as Brad
Zoe Erdely as the little girl
Mark G Lakatos as editor and DP
Tomas Szirak as gaffer and boom operator.
In collaboration with Trove Film Collective
*Awards Received
Emirates Short Film Festival - Best Actor
Black Hat Film Festival - Best Thriller
SFVA - Honourable Mention
NYIFA - Honorable Mention
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venmo: @zkormendy

What other’s have said about the film: | 646-399-1586